Leadership in a Crisis: A Guide to Dealing with Challenges
Leadership in a Crisis: A Guide to Dealing with Challenges
Hi everyone!
This article is about how important leadership is in a crisis and how a leader should behave in a crisis. In this article you will find several important quotes as well as real life examples.
I wish good readings to everyone.
In general, before we start, I would like to ask you a few questions to think about. The first one is "What characteristics do you think a leader should have in a crisis?". The other one is "If a leader does not manage a crisis well, does that make him a bad leader?".
If you have answered the questions, you are ready to start.
Leadership in Crisis is one of the most important parts of leadership. Because leadership skills are one of the most important qualities needed especially in times of crisis. These leaders are expected to resolve the confusion that arises, especially in times of crisis, and therefore leadership is indispensable.
How Important Leadership is in Crisis?
The leader is usually at the center of the organization. These leaders are generally responsible for their teams, from the motivation of the team to how they do their work. This is why leaders are so important, both because they are at the center and because they occupy the most important positions in an organization.
There are many important quotes about this.
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." — John C. Maxwell
Here, John C. Maxwell emphasized the importance of leaders in times of crisis when he said that leaders know the way, follow the way and show the way. The ability of leaders to find the way is one of the characteristics that should stand out especially in times of crisis.
"The ultimate measure of a leader is not where they stand in moments of comfort, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy." — Martin Luther King Jr.
Thus, Martin Luther King Jr. emphasizes that leaders must step forward, especially in times of crisis, and that this is a measuring test for leadership.
"The true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis." — Brian Tracy
As Martin Luther King Jr. said here, American/Canadian Motivonal Speaker Brian Tracy said the same thing on the same subject. He also considered it as a measure of leadership.
When we look at important figures in the field of leadership, the fact that they always refer to leadership in times of crisis reveals that this issue is more important than one might think. So whoever you are reading this article, I suggest you pay attention to leadership and improve yourself :))))
In another topic, we will focus on which characteristics of the leader should be emphasized during a crisis.
What Qualities Does a Leader Possess in a Crisis?
In this section, I will focus on five crucial characteristics of leadership in a crisis: being good coordinator, decisiveness, experience, goal-driven orientation and strong communicator.
1- Being Good Coordinator
Being a good coordinator is one of the most important qualities of a leader. Because leaders are generally responsible for team management. They face many crises while managing the team. But with their successful coordination skills, they can easily overcome them.
In this section I would like to share with you an important quote that is relevant to this topic.
"In times of crisis, a leader's role is to provide clarity, consistency, and calm coordination." — Tony Blair
As Tony Blair points out, one of the most important characteristics of a leader in a crisis is the ability to coordinate calmly.
2- Decisiveness
In times of crisis, leaders face many challenges and it is crucial to make quick and correct decisions and stand by them. This is where decisiveness comes in. Being able to make decisions without getting lost in many options is an indispensable leadership trait and leaders who do not have this trait should definitely focus on this part in order to become a better leader.
Imagine that you work in a company. Your team leader in this company changes his/her mind every hour and cannot be decisive. Do you think a leader who cannot make decisions even in normal times can make decisions in times of crisis? Definitely not. That's why this trait is very valuable.
3- Experience
In times of crisis, what is more valuable than a team member who has faced the crisis before? Nothing is above that. With this in mind, wouldn't it be a great opportunity for the team if the leader had experienced this crisis before? Of course, the team leader would immediately take action and quickly bring the crisis to an end.
Experience is one of the indispensable characteristics of a leader in a crisis, as in most situations. This situation brings other characteristics of the leader to the forefront. A good leader has many experiences and is able to incorporate them into his/her life.
4- Goal-Driven Orientation
Goal-Driven Orientation is especially important in times of crisis when decisions need to be made and implemented very quickly. Because if goal-driven orientation is not present in times of crisis, the situation will become even more complicated than it already is.
Well, can you imagine how the team will run towards the goal if the leader has this feature in times of crisis? That's why leaders need this feature.
5- Strong Communicator
A leader whose communication skills are lagging behind cannot be considered, and a leader who does not bring these qualities to the forefront in times of crisis cannot be considered. In this case, the leader must have this quality and must definitely use and develop it continuously.
Since this part is very obvious, instead of writing more about this part, I would like to continue with this quote from Simon Sinek.
"In a crisis, a good leader listens first, speaks second, and acts third." — Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek offers us a succinct suggestion in this regard. He explains how we can be a good communicator in a crisis with a very beautiful word.
In this article we have focused on why leadership is important in times of crisis and what characteristics a leader should have in times of crisis. While focusing on these issues, I had the chance to share with you the words of some important thinkers while focusing on real world examples.